Privacy Policy   

Update date: [5] [8] 2024

Effective Date: May 8, 2024

This service is provided by [Tenda Technology Co.,Ltd.], and the basic information of the company is as follows:

Registered address: [Floor 6-8, Building E3, TCL High-tech Park, No. 1001 Zhongshan Park Road, Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen]

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this Policy or matters related to your personal information, please contact us by email

Tenda Technology Co.,Ltd. and Tenda APP, Tenda Cloud Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Tenda") attach great importance to your personal data and privacy. Please do not submit any personal data or privacy data to Tenda until you have carefully read, understood, and agreed to this Policy.

This policy describes Tenda's main policies regarding personal data and privacy data, but a simple policy cannot solve all concerns regarding data processing, so Tenda may supplement this policy with additional information specific to the customer's products or services, in order to inform the customer when processing personal data for a specific purpose, asking you to use Tenda products or services, pay attention to other forms of such notices.

Before using Tenda products and services, please be sure to carefully read and thoroughly understand this Privacy Policy, and confirm that you fully understand and agree to use the relevant products and services.

1. When we collect your personal information

1.1 Create an account, purchase, register products or services

We may ask you to provide corresponding personal data, such as if you submit an application online to establish an account, purchase, register for our products or services, including fulfilling your purchase order, delivering your products or services, enabling or validating products, making changes at your request, providing technical support or renewing authorizations, etc Your name, email address, mobile phone number, delivery address, product information, time of purchase and payment method are used to process your order, download products and obtain services.

1.2 Upgrades

Tenda may collect system and application information about your end product in order to keep you informed of available system and application updates. The information collected for this purpose includes, among other things, device name, system and application version, operating system and browser version, region and language settings. Tenda's processing of the above information is limited to notifying you that an application update is available.

1.3 Fault Location

When something goes wrong with your device or application, and you choose to send the relevant information to Tenda for Tenda or its partners to provide fault analysis services, Tenda may collect relevant information, including the device model, the name and version of the application, the device identification number, error logs, etc.

1.4 We will collect and use the corresponding personal information according to the specific functions you choose to use:

1.4.1 When you bind your device to use Tenda products and services, we will collect the serial number and product verification code of the product you bind. This kind of information is the basic information of the product with uniqueness, and it is the basic information that must be collected to bind the product and further provide you with services.

1.4.2 When you install the software and use the products and services, in order to ensure the security of your account, we will read your phone status permission, which is used to receive and record the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of the device. Please understand that this information can identify the bound terminal device and is the data collected to ensure the security and normal operation of the service. You can also leave this permission ungranted, but this may not recognize the bound end device.

1.4.3 When you use the APP to scan the QR code and take a photo, we will access the camera permission of your device, and you can use this function to scan the QR code for recognition, take photos, and face recognition authorized by you in specific scenarios after turning on the camera permission. Please be aware that we will only obtain this permission when you actively authorize it, and present the shooting interface to you in the foreground.

1.4.4 When you select a photo with a recognizable QR code from the mobile phone album, we need to obtain your album storage permission to identify and obtain the device type and device serial number to complete the addition

1.4.5 When you use value-added services, we will collect your personal information directly related to the purpose of the service, and the specific purpose of the service and the content of the information will be prompted to you in the form of service description or usage rules. This kind of information is necessary for us to provide you with various value-added services, and if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use the relevant services normally.

1.4.6 In the case that you share or receive the shared project, we need to access your clipboard locally and read the password, sharing code, and link contained therein to realize functions or services such as jumping, sharing, and activity linkage. We will only upload clipboard content to our server if we locally identify it as a directive for redirecting, sharing, and activity linkage. Other than that, we will not upload any other information about your clipboard to our servers.

1.4.7 We need to obtain your application process information, identify whether the application is in use, and conduct statistical analysis of user activity.

1.5 Security and operation and maintenance services

In order to meet the basic requirements of the Cybersecurity Law and other laws and regulations and provide services, and to ensure the security of your account and system operation, we will collect relevant information generated during your use of our products and/or services, including:

1.5.1 When you use the Services to manage the device you bind, we will automatically receive and record the information of the relevant device, including the type, model, firmware number, address, system version number and system settings. We rely on this information to provide you with services and to ensure the safe operation of your device, for example, when the system is set to allow automatic device upgrades (this setting is enabled by default on some devices), we will automatically install and run the upgrade package for you when it becomes available, so as to ensure that your device is always effectively compatible with the software you are using.

1.5.2 In order to help us better understand the operation of the software and related services, so as to ensure the security of operation and provision of services, we may record network log information, as well as information such as the frequency of using the software and related services, crash data, error or abnormal service data, the system operation status of abnormal devices, overall installation and usage, and performance data.


1.2 Location-Based Services

When you request to use certain services based on geolocation information, for example, Tenda may collect, use and process precise or coarse geolocation data of your device in order for Tenda to provide you with the above services, and the collected information may include your device's account number, type and model, as well as your device's real-time geolocation information. Tenda collects geolocation information anonymously in order to provide and improve location-based products and services.

1.3 Collection and Use of Non-Personal Information

Non-personal information is information that does not identify a specific individual, such as the number of visitors to our website, the number of clicks on a web page. Tenda collects this information to understand how users use our website, products, or services so that Tenda can make improvements to meet the needs of our customers. Tenda may, in its sole discretion, collect, use, transfer or disclose non-personal information for any other purpose.


2 Circumstances in which we use your personal information

We will process your personal information for the purposes described in this Policy with your consent, subject to your consent, when we need to comply with our obligations to you under the User Agreement and/or Service Contract, or where we are bound by a legal obligation to which we are subject, or where we consider it necessary to protect our legitimate interests or those of a third party. We will use your personal information in strict compliance with the provisions of this Policy and its updates.

2.1 We will use your personal information in accordance with the following rules:

2.1.1 We will use the corresponding products and/or services in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and in order to realize the corresponding product and/or service functions.

2.1.2 We may combine the use of your personal information and/or other information obtained by us in a lawful manner in connection with your use of our services or products ("Other Information") to prevent, detect, and investigate fraud, infringement, security violations, illegality, or violations of agreements with us or our affiliates.

2.2 Please note that all personal information provided or authorized by us to be collected when you use our products and/or services will continue to be authorized for us to use our products and/or services during your use of our products and/or services, unless you delete or refuse to be collected by us through your account settings or system settings. When you cancel your account, we will stop using and delete your personal information, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

2.3 We will compile statistics on the use of our products and/or services, and may share these statistical information with the public or third parties to display the overall usage trend of our products and/or services and/or form relevant market satisfaction research reports, service improvement plans and other research results. However, these statistics do not contain any personally identifiable information about you.

2.4 When we display your personal information, we will desensitize your information by means of content replacement and anonymization to protect the security of your information.

2.5 When we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this Policy, or when the information collected for a specific purpose is used for other purposes, we will ask for your consent in advance by actively checking the box.

2.6 We would like to remind you that if the information cannot be used alone or in combination with other information to identify you, it is not your personal information in the legal sense, and when your information can be identified as your personal identity alone or in combination with other information, such information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this Policy during the combined use period.


3 Exceptions to Obtaining Authorization and Consent

In accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, your authorization and consent are not required for the collection of your personal information under the following circumstances:

(1) Related to national security and national defense security;

(2) Where it is related to public safety, public health, or major public interests;

(3) In connection with judicial or administrative law enforcement such as criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement;

(4) For the purpose of protecting the life, property and other major legal rights and interests of you or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;

(5) Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;

(6) Personal information is collected from legally and publicly disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;

(7) as necessary to enter into and perform relevant agreements or other written documents with you;

(8) Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products and services provided, such as discovering and disposing of faults in the products and services;

(9) When it is necessary for an academic research institution to carry out statistical or academic research based on the public interest, and when it provides the results of academic research or description, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified;

(10) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.


4. How Your Personal Data is Disclosed

Tenda will only disclose your personal data if the following applies: Tenda will never disclose your personal data to third parties except in the following cases:

4.1 You have expressly consented to:

Tenda will only disclose your personal data to other companies after your approval;

4.2 Disclosure of your personal data to other Tenda affiliates or third parties authorized to cooperate:

Tenda may need to provide you with certain services through certain partners, so Tenda needs to share some of your personal data with partners in order to enrich our services and meet your needs, for example, when you decide to purchase Tenda products onlineIt will be necessary to submit your personal data to the relevant logistics providers so that they can deliver the products to you or to allow our partners to provide other customer services to you. Tenda strictly prohibits Tenda affiliates or authorized third parties from using the shared information for other purposes.

4.3 Disclosure of your personal information as required by law:

Tenda may provide your personal information as required by law, litigation, judicial or government authorities. In the event that Tenda is involved in a reorganization, merger or liquidation, your personal data may also be provided to the counterparty.


5. How to retain, update, change or review your personal data

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer period is required or permitted by law. You are responsible for the accuracy of the personal information you submit, and Tenda will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of your personal information, and Tenda will delete or amend the information at your request. You can contact us by sending an email to with your request. In accordance with the terms and conditions of Tenda, you can manage your personal information at any time.


6. How to protect your personal data

Tenda takes all reasonable precautions and we have used industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide against unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss.

We have established special management systems, processes and organizations to ensure the security of information:

(1) Establish a strict data use and access system, and use strict data access control and multi-identity authentication technology to protect personal information and avoid illegal use of data. We only allow authorized personnel access to personal information and require them to comply with appropriate confidentiality obligations.

(2) Adopt special data and technical security audits, and set up a number of measures for log audits and behavioral audits.

At the same time, we will also take other security measures:

(1) Manage and regulate the storage and use of personal information through the establishment of data classification and grading systems, data security management specifications, and data security development specifications.

(2) Strengthen security awareness. We also conduct security and privacy training sessions to raise awareness among employees of the importance of protecting personal information.

Tenda will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected. We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or permitted by law.

In accordance with laws and regulations, we will store the personal information of users collected in China within the territory of China. We will not transfer your personal information overseas unless there is a mandatory retention requirement by law.

We will continue to store your personal information for you during your use of the products or services. If you cancel your account or voluntarily delete your personal information, we will continue to store your specific personal information for a period of time after you cancel your account or delete your personal information in accordance with the E-Commerce Law, Cybersecurity Law and other laws and regulations, for example, the E-Commerce Law of the People's Republic of China requires that the storage time of goods and services information and transaction information shall not be less than three years from the date of completion of the transaction. Upon expiration, we will delete or anonymize it immediately.

The Internet environment is not 100% secure and we will endeavour to ensure or warrant the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical or management protection measures are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take to deal with it, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks on your own, and remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the relevant circumstances of the incident by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc., and if it is difficult to inform the Personal Data Subject one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to make an announcement.

At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.


7. How to Process the Personal Data of Minors

If required by law, Tenda will not collect personal data of minors without the consent of their guardians. We will only use or disclose personal data about minors to the extent permitted by law, or to obtain the consent of their guardians in accordance with local laws, or to protect minors. The definition of a minor should take into account the applicable law, as well as the cultural practices of each country and region.


8. Cookie Policy

To ensure the proper functioning of our website, we sometimes place small data files on your computer or mobile device, known as cookies. A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on your computer or mobile device by a website's server, and only that server can retrieve or read the contents of the cookie. Each cookie is unique to your browser. It contains certain anonymous information, such as a unique identifier, the name of the website, and some numbers and numbers. It allows the website to remember information such as your preferences or the contents of your shopping cart.

Most large websites or Internet service providers will enable the website to remember you during your visit (using session cookies) or when you return (using persistent cookies) in order to improve the user experience. Cookies help a website remember your settings so that you do not have to re-enter the language, font size and other preferences you use to browse the website on your computer or mobile device each time you return to the website. If a website does not use cookies, you will be considered a new visitor whenever you move to a new page of that website, for example, if you enter your details and move to another page, that page will not be able to identify you and will not allow you to remain logged in.

Our cookies are not used to identify you personally, but only to make the website work better and more convenient when you visit. You can control or delete cookies if you want, you can delete all cookies on your computer, or you can disable cookies in most browser settings. However, if you do so, you may have to manually adjust certain preferences each time you visit our website.

Tenda does not use cookies for any purpose other than those described herein, nor does it collect any personal data for any other purpose.


9. Your Rights

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Policy, unless a longer period is required or permitted by law. We guarantee that you can exercise the following rights in relation to your personal information:

9.1 Access to your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, subject to exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you want to exercise your right to access your data, you can do so by logging in to the web or client provided by Tenda with your Tenda ID. If you do not have access to this personal information through the link above, you may contact us at any time by sending an email to

9.2 Correction of your personal information

You have the right to request that we correct the personal information we process about you when you find that there is an error in it. You can do this through the "1Access to Your Personal Information".

9.3 Deletion of your personal information

You may request us to delete your personal information under the following circumstances:

9.3.1 If our processing of personal information violates laws and regulations;

9.3.2 If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

9.3.3 If our processing of personal information violates our agreement with you;

9.3.4 If you no longer use our products and services, or you cancel your account;

9.3.5 if we no longer provide you with products or services.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entity from which we have received your personal information to delete it promptly. Unless otherwise required by laws and regulations, or these entities are independently authorized by you.

9.4 Change the scope of consent or withdraw consent

You can change the scope of your authorization for us to continue to collect personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off a certain service or function, setting privacy settings in the software, applying permission management, etc. You can also withdraw all authorization for us to continue to collect your personal information by canceling your account.

You also need to understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed, and after you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of consent or authorization, nor will we process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the processing of personal information previously carried out based on your authorization.

9.5 Personal Data Subject cancels accounts

You can apply for cancellation of your account through customer service or through our publicity. When you cancel your account, you will no longer be able to log in with your account or use our products or services. You will no longer be able to log in and use the aforesaid services through this account, and the points, orders, qualifications, and benefits you have obtained will be deemed to have been waived by you and will not be able to continue to use them. You understand and agree that we cannot assist you in resuming the aforesaid services.

If you still decide to cancel your Tenda ID after careful consideration, you can cancel your account on the relevant function page of your use of our products or services.

You can cancel your account at any time by emailing us at

For those that need to be processed manually, we will complete the processing within 15 working days. After the account is cancelled, we will stop providing you with products or services, and delete your personal information according to your requirements, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.


10. Updates to this Privacy Policy

10.1 Tenda may revise and update this Policy from time to time. You may obtain the most current version of the terms of this Agreement by visiting

10.2 Without your express consent, we will not limit your rights under this Policy. For major changes, we will notify you in the form of push notifications, pop-ups, emails, etc.

10.3 The material changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

10.3.1 There are significant changes to our service model. If there is a change in the purpose, type, and method of processing personal information;

10.3.2 We have undergone significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. Such as business adjustment, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, restructuring caused by the change of owners, etc.;

10.3.3 Changes in the main objects of entrusted processing, sharing, transfer or public disclosure of user information;

10.3.4 Significant changes to your rights and how you exercise them when you use our services;

10.3.5 When there is a change in the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information and complaint channels;

10.3.6 When the user information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.


11. Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about our policies, you can contact us by sending an email to In general, we will reply within fifteen days.



The names and operator descriptions of the third-party SDKs we access under this service are as follows:

We will strictly test the access to third-party SDKs and publicly explain the latest status of the access SDK to you in a timely manner.

SDK name

Purpose of use

Type of feature

Personal information involved

How the information is collected


Provide users with QR code recognition function

QR code scanning and identification

Videos, pictures, audio, text messages, audio recordings, device identifiers (Android ID), network information, in-app device identifiers, basic application information, device hardware information, carrier information (operator name), system information (system settings, system properties, device model, operating system), Wi-Fi information (Wi-Fi status), information about your use of this app, privacy policy link:

The SDK reports the API call result to the BI server. The SDK uses HTTPS to encrypt data transmission. BI data is reported to sites in different regions according to the user's attribution, and is stored and protected by the BI server

Umeng SDK

Daily activity and registration statistics of users

Statistical analysis

Device information and coarse location: IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI/ICCID/IP, device information, coarse location, mobile phone number, IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM CARD IMSI/ICCID/IP, user device model/brand, operating system and system version number, Resolution, etc., privacy policy link:

SSL protocol encryption and HTTPS transmission encryption technology are used to ensure security, and security measures such as encryption and de-identification are used for desensitization

com.amap.api (AutoNavi)

Identify the area where the user is located

Regional targeting

Location information (latitude and longitude, precise location, coarse location), device information (such as IP address, GNSS information, WiFi status, WiFi parameters, WiFi list, SSID, BSSID, base station information, signal strength information, Bluetooth information, sensor information (vector, acceleration, pressure), device signal strength information, external storage directory, device identification information (IMEI, IDFA, IDFV, Android ID, MEID, MAC address, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, hardware serial number), current application information (application name, application version number), device parameters and system information (system attributes, device model, operating system, carrier information), and privacy policy link:

Secure processing through de-identification, encrypted transmission and processing、com.alivc.conan:AlivcConan (Ali Integration)

Product video playback

Product information display

UUID, device model, IP address, Wi-Fi status, carrier information, and links to the personal information processing rules of the Alibaba SDK

Encryption technology, de-identification, anonymization and other means are used to protect users' personal information (WeChat)

WeChat three-party login and sharing

Account login, WeChat sharing

WeChat avatar, nickname information, openId , WeChat Open SDK personal information processing rules link:

Encryption technology, de-identification, anonymization and other means are used to protect users' personal information